
Oncology Patient Tour

Oncology Patient Tour

Tour the inpatient and outpatient centers of CBDI Liberty Campus and learn how to get to each one from the entrance.

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Proton Patient Tour

Proton Patient Tour

Travel from the entrace to the pediatric gantry. A gantry uses a proton beam to destroy cancer cells while minimizing damage to surrounding healthy tissue and organs in a process called proton therapy.

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Proton Research Tour

Proton Research Tour

Explore the cyclotron and research gantry. The research gantry is one of the only gantries in the world to be dedicated for research.

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Cincinnati Children's CBDI Liberty Campus

Located at Interstate 75 and State Route 129, Cincinnati Children's CBDI Liberty Campus brings a new level of specialized pediatric care to one of Greater Cincinnati's fastest-growing regions. Liberty Campus offers a 24/7 emergency department, urgent care, X-rays and imaging, laboratory and testing services, outpatient surgery and comprehensive pediatric medical and surgical specialty clinics.


To look around, click and drag anywhere to rotate the camera. To navigate through the campus just click on any of the purple spheres (like the one on the right) scattered througout. When you click on one, you will travel to that position. When you are ready to begin, click the green Explore Button above.

VR Tour Instructions

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Created by Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center and Live Well Collaborative

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